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Last updated 2023.02.07 Edit Source

History 01.10
Habsburg Ferdinánd v. Szapolyai János Zsigmond v. Suleiman I

Szapolyai was elected king as the Diet of Székesfehérvár in 1526 decreed that the king must be Hungarian. Ferdinand pressed his legitimacy and attacked Szapolyai at Tokaj in 1527. After being defeated, Szapolyai fled the country.

1538: Treaty of Várad
1540: #info

# Wars 1541 - 1566


# Features of the three parts of Hungary

Hungarian KingdomTurkish Occupied PartTransylvanian Principality
Legal status e.g. Independent?Under Habsburg ruleindependentvassal state to the Turks
Rulerking (Habsburg)sultanprince
Type of governmentestate monarchydespotic monarchyestate monarchy
Positive effects of new statusperiphery of a large empire, money spent on military;new buildings; Turks and South Slavs moved into towns; greater independence for peasantsindependent internal affairs; hungarian culture supported by culture;
Negative effects of new statuslost independence, non-hungarian decision making;non-hungarian decision making;

# Expulsion of the Turks