Doppler effect
# Basic principle
when a source is stationary, waves propagate from it with a uniform frequency in all directions
when a source is moving in a medium, the waves in the direction of its movement are generated closer together (the relative velocity of the wave and source is lower) โ higher frequency
โ lower frequency behind the source
the velocity of the observer or source is relative to the medium
the total Doppler effect may be the result of the combinating the motion of the source, the observer, or the medium itself
# History
discovered by Austrian physicist Christian Doppler in 1842
# Equations
$$f=\left( \frac{c\pm v_{r}}{c\pm v_{s}} \right)f_{0}$$
$f=\text{observed frequency}$
$f_{0}=\text{emitted frequency}$
$c=\text{propagation speed of waves in medium }$
$v_{r}=\text{relative speed of reciever}$
added to c when $r\to s$, subtracted from c when $(s)r\to$,
$v_{s}=\text{relative speed of source}$
added to c when $(r)s\to$, subtracted from c when $s\to r$,
# Uses
# Acoustic Doppler current profiler
used to measure water current velocities (laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV))
can also be used for:
- air (SODAR)
- blood (echocardiogram)
# Sirens
aids drivers to determine the location and heading of emergency vehicles
if it is higher pitched โ it is moving in the direction of the driver
if the pitch is lower โ it is moving away
if pitch is changing โ either relative speed is changing OR it is passing by ($v_{\text{radial}}=v_{s}\cos(\theta)$)
# Astronomy
Doppler effect for EM waves โ red- and blueshift
not the same as cosmological redshift โ doppler redshift will affect
used to detect close binary stars, measure rotational speed of galaxies, or to detect exoplanets using doppler spectroscopy
# Radar
radar waves are sent and received to determine (relative) speed of object
$$\Delta f=\frac{2\Delta v}{c}f_{0}$$
# Satellite
# Communication
fast moving satellites โ shift of frequency relative to ground station
frequency is changed dynamically to compensate
# Sonic boom
# Sources,distance%20the%20light%20has%20traveled,different%20parts%20of%20the%20body